Local History Librarian


Photocopies, newspaper clippings, documents, pamphlets, booklets, periodicals. In lieu of adequate backfiles to local Westborough newspapers, Local History Librarians clipped articles relating to Westborough, photocopied them, and then filed them by subject. Some files also include subject-related items and documents. See also the Westborough Historical Newspaper Collection – LH.006 and the Westborough News Websites Collection – LH.074.


Books, hard drive. Ledger book detailing the lives of boys at the State Reform School in Westborough from 1856-1857, annual reports, and a book about the history and life at the school. See also the folder for “Lyman School” in the Local History by Subject collection (LH.001). The Lyman School is also featured in the Westborough Center online exhibit, “Changing Pictures of Childhood: A Comparative History of Child Welfare in Westborough.” See also the The Robert Cleaves Collection of Lyman School Records.


Newspaper clippings, brochures, pamphlets, manuscripts, photograph, and other materials about Westborough history gathered by Kristina Nilson Allen. Includes the manuscript for her book, On the Beaten Path. The collection also includes “The Suppers of the Club” cookbook, “A Collection of Historical Articles” written by Helena Engberg of the Evangelical Congregational Church,” gravestone rubbings, and Lyman School materials.